Essential Oils Are My First Reach

If it's not your essential oils, we need to talk.

I used to think it was just me that was confused, stubborn, and skeptical about using essential oils. Even after I ordered my starter kit it sat in the closet for quite a while. I used a lot of stuff for emotional support for the dogs -- but it was not my go-to kit for first aid or when I felt bad.

Boy has that changed. I use them for everything. When Poppy went in for her knee surgery, we had a few anointings ahead of time. I gave her immunity boosting supplements for a few days know to help just strengthen up her body for the procedure. And when she came home essential oils and supplements were definitely used to support her -- both emotional, tissue care, and recovery. I have a complete surgical aftercare protocol available.

When dogs have to go in for a vaccination (we have laws in our state) -- I used essential oils as a way to support them before and after. At his exam, his blood work was perfect and I attribute that to good food and aging care through essential oil infused supplements. The goal of the oils and supplements and homeopathy remedies is to help "detox" the vaccines. I encourage all of you to learn more about this too. As a member of my team, I can help offer you additional education on this topic. (I have a complete protocol on vaccine prep and aftercare I share with my clients -- ask me how to be a client, even if you're on someone else's team)

The other day, I happened to see one of my clients posting that she was not feeling well. I said get out your oils!!! Use them! The thing was she wasn't using her kit to its full potential. It's even more common to "not use" them with our dogs, because most people simply do not know how -- or that you can!

Remember essential oils and supplements can support every system in your body.

Every. One.

First Aid is a good way for you to get started using essential oils.

I also use Essential Oils for a seasonal detox. It’s a short-term protocol with great benefits that may be a way to ease you into essential oils. No matter your goal — I got you!

Don’t wait until you’re in a crisis or facing a disease with your dog to get started with essential oils. It may be too overwhelming for you to trust the process with nutrition and natural wellness when you’re in a crisis already. Others of you will be in a state of separation and willing to try anything. I’d like to help you prevent either.

I'd love to offer you an Oil Mapping Session for you or a family member, or your dog. Oil Mapping Sessions are free for serious inquiries only. Message me to make the request

You may still be feeling like you don't know how to use them. Please let me help you. It can be as easy as picking one area of health and wellness you want to improve. I've improved so many areas of my own wellness. Still a work in progress -- but I feel so much more empowered now!!!

Visit My Blog on Essential Oils or Join My FB Group and ask all the questions you have!

Reach for your oils first. Try them. They won't work if you don't let them out of the bottle!


Introducing Dogs To Essential Oils


Detoxing Dogs With Essential Oils