When Faith Steps In

Having Faith In Natural Wellness

“When Faith Steps In” is a phrase Dr. Barb Fox used recently in a podcast we were recording. And the phrase really resonated with me.

It is indeed a leap of faith to begin to trust in the possibility of hope and the possibility than an alternative approach to everything you have been taught over the years. It is even more a leap of faith when you’re standing face to face with a diagnosis or prognosis from your veterinarian that leaves you with few options and limited time.

Many of us face budgetary concerns. Many of us face fear. Many face desperation.

And sometimes, something in the back of our mind or in our heart says we shouldn’t perform surgery, or take chemo, and that maybe just maybe there is something else to try. We simply aren’t ready to give up.

Friends, I am not here to tell you to forgo any veterinary recommended treatments or medications. I am not anti-vet. We need them. But, sometimes we need to explore all the options available to us, trust out instincts, advocate for our pet, and maybe even challenge the traditional recommendation.

Do not be afraid to ask tough questions. It’s your pet. You make the decision for all things.

Do your own research. Dig Deep. Open your mind to receive a different message.

And while there are no guarantees, sometimes we know in our heart we need to try something different.

I am only here to tell you that there are many people who sought alternative approach and found hope. Some found amazing outcomes by

  • changing their food

  • adding supplementation

  • eliminating toxins from their environment (home & body)

  • adding essential oils, homeopathy and emotional work and/or energy work, etc.

  • even changing your thoughts & beliefs

It is not easy. It is indeed a leap of faith. My goal as your trainer, coach, and friend is to guide you as much as I can through my education and experiences and refer you to holistic veterinarians and practitioners where needed.

Take the Leap today — even if it’s a small leap — and get proactive with changes you can right now. Changes today will make a difference in health and longevity — for your pet and your family.

Don’t wait until the leap seems overwhelming — though you may want to take it then too!

Get Started with A Beginner’s Guide to Natural Living


How Long Do Dog Vaccines Last


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