Holistic Protocol After Your Dog's Vaccines

Before You Vaccinate Your Dog

Please be sure you have reviewed The Risks of Vaccines and specific info on each of the most common vaccines for dogs.

You will find information on vaccine scheduling, and considerations for why you may or may not want to get a particular vaccine at all to prepare for discussions with your vet.  Natural wellness options for the “optional” vaccines.   Side effects. Effectiveness, Etc.

And yes, your vet is likely to say to you something along the lines of “She’s just a trainer… “ if tell them you learned it from me. That’s ok! Do your homework and be ready for your discussion with him. You are your dog’s advocate. No one else is.

Dog with Toy after receiving vaccines

What To Do At Vaccine Time

Vaccines are a very complicated and complex matter.   They are also controversial and create a lot of angst for many of us.

There are some who feel compelled to avoid all vaccines at all cost.   Some follow a minimum approach to vaccines, and others follow traditional veterinary schedules by the book.   These are choices only you can make, after you have done your own research.  My goal is to offer you education (see our client FB group) and give you information to make your own informed decisions.

Based on my experiences as a trainer, foster home, and pet parent, my personal education and research, and discussions with holistic veterinarians, this is my protocol for preparing for and follow-up to receiving any vaccine with my own pets, and one that I have seen work successfully with many others.

At this time, my senior dogs will never have another vaccine if I have anything to do with it.   Poppy, for now, will continue her 3 years Rabies shot with the following protocol of preparedness.

Immunity Boost For Dogs Before Vaccines Are Givenf

One month prior forto scheduled appointment – and continued at least 21 days post-vaccine.

Vaccines, though intended to protect our pets from disease, may weaken the immune system for a period of time following the vaccine.  This weakened state can put the dog at greater risk of illness, infections, and other reactions.

Prior to a scheduled vaccine, you will want to boost your dog’s immune system with whole-real foods & nutrition, probiotics, etc.  If your dog is already on a healthy diet like Volhard Dog Nutrition or a very well-balanced Home Prepared menu – Yay for you & stay the course.

If your dog is currently eating kibble, this is a time to consider making a food change to RAW or home-prepared.  But at minimum, you should look at how you can enhance the quality of your dog’s nutrition at mealtime by adding supplementation, whole foods, and overall nutrients to his bowl.  

Vitamin Mineral Boosts should include (even for raw feeders)

  • Vitamin B: required for vaccines to work effectively & if deficient my cause vaccine reaction.

Visit the WellfedK9 Blog for ideas with fresh leafy greens, probiotics, digestive enzymes, etc which every kibble feeder should do anyway.

Essential Oils & Supplements To Prepare For Vaccines

Minimum two weeks prior to the scheduled appointment and continued at least 21 days post-vaccine.

  • I take this time to add natural essential oils and supplements that are supportive of the immune system.

  • I boost green veggies & supplementation rich in vitamins, minerals, supporting metabolism & antioxidants.

  • Supplement Vitamin C

  • Increased Probiotics

  • Antioxidant support - Red Drink

Vaccine Protocol After Injections

  • I will do all I can to support the liver — essential oils & supplements

  • Essential oils for inflammation relief, at the injection site (Purification, Ledum)

  • Homeopathy Remedies will be used (Thuja 30c and Milk Thistle )

  • Raindrop will be done when we get home

  • If you want the rest of my protocol just download it here. 21-28 day aftercare protocol is included.

Homeopathic Remedy For Rabies Vaccine

If it’s time for the Rabies vaccine the above protocols are still in order.  However, you will want to have Lyssin (200c)  Homeopathy remedy on hand as well. Ledum Essential Oil is also an option.

Dr. Peter Dobias and many other holistic vets suggest every dog and every cat that received the Rabies vaccine receive 1 dose of Lyssin 200c following the vaccine to help with possible side effects.

Many recommend a second dose of Lyssin 1 month later.

Monitoring and Addressing Vaccine Reactions

If reactions are present and we see no change in status following the homeopathy, we explore new remedies and detox methods and may need additional support from a homeopath or holistic vet.

Be sure you note the administration date – and monitor your dog’s behavior and health for many months to come.   Vaccinosis and Vaccine reactions can present in the form of allergies, auto-immune disorders, behavioral changes, seizures, etc.

If you believe your pet is having a vaccine reaction, seek appropriate veterinary care, and report it!  If your dog has a reaction, you may need to get more aggressive in our detox support work.

You may see fever, redness, rashes, bumps or hard spots at the injection site.  We sometimes see lethargy, diarrhea, digestive upset.  Generally, these mild to moderate responses can be addressed with Essential Oils, Homeopathy or other natural remedies. 

Having a good first aid kit on hand that you understand how to use & a good team of supportive resources available to you is helpful as well.

In extreme cases you may see seizures, respiratory issues, or other serious distress.   Please seek appropriate veterinary care immediately.

Dealing with Delayed Reactions and Chronic Issues

Not all reactions will be immediate or within the first month.   Sometimes it takes us many months to notice that our dogs have “not been the same since” some event has occurred, or a vaccine was administered. 

Should this occur or even be suspected, it’s important to look at alternative detox protocols and processes to address these concerns. 

For dogs suspected with Rabies Vaccinosis Miasm or significant change in behavior or health at any time following vaccines – up to a year later, we may consider a similar Homeopathic protocol.     (Rabies Miasm is a complex topic mentioned in our FB group for clients – but may require a consultation and/or a holistic veterinarian)

We may also see chronic issues like allergies, autoimmune disorders, seizures, unexplained health concerns, cancer, and many other disorders.   We may also see behavior change. 

I have a separate protocol for a dog for whom we suspect behavior or health issues may be associated with delayed vaccinosis.

There are options to explore!

I’m happy to set up a consultation with you to discuss questions & information.     

l topics and make the decision that is best for your pet as you see fit. No one can require you to take any action you are not comfortable with.


The statements have NOT be approved by the FDA. This is for educational purposes only and is my protocol for my dogs based on much research, discussion with holistic vets to promote strong immunity.. There are no guarantees. And I make no claim to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or illness.

Be sure to Review My Vaccine Preparation and Aftercare Guide


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