Pendulum Muscle Testing

Using a pendulum for yes/no energy response is a technique that involves using a pendulum to receive answers to questions by observing the pendulum's movement. The pendulum is held by a string or chain and is used to receive answers to questions by observing the pendulum's movement. The belief is that the pendulum is able to detect subtle energy changes in the body and respond accordingly.

You don’t need fancy pendulums, but sometimes selecting a special pretty one is lots of fun. I keep one in my dog food prep & essential oil bag, on my desk, by my bedside and in the essential oil collection I keep in the car.

If you don’t have a pendulum, get a bolt, the hexagonal metal partner to a nut (nuts and bolts) or anything with a bit of weight and tie it to a piece of dental floss about 8-9” long. . Voila — homemade pendulum.


How To Use A Pendulum

  • Drape the string over your index finger so that it hangs vertically, holding the back of the string with your thumb so that it doesn’t slide under the weight. The remaining fingers are just tucked out of the way. You’re looking for a "neutral" or "balanced" position for the pendulum.

    • Your elbow and upper arm should rest gently along your side to prevent any motion from your arm.

    • Relax and don’t overthink this.

  • Once you have established a neutral position, you will then test a muscle group by asking a specific question or making a statement. I begin each session with “Show Me Yes”. “stop” and “Show Me No”.

    • My yes is a clockwise rotation. My no is counter-clockwise. Stop should bring the pendulum back to center with no motion.

    • For some of you, the rotations may be the opposite of mind. Or Back and Forth & Side to Side. It doesn’t matter as long as you know YOUR yes and no.

  • Then ask your pendulum any yes/no questions you have. Nothing nefarious of course. Only for the higher good of wellness can care for your dog or self. If you’re working as a surrogate for others, be sure you have their permission first.

Example Uses:

  • Will my dog (use Your dog’s name) eat chicken

  • Does My Dog Have An Intolerance to Beef?

  • Does My Dog Need Mushroom Supplement? Reishi? 5 Defenders? Turkey Tail?

  • Is this Chakra Balanced?

  • Is My dog feeling pain? Is it hip? Leg? Back? Do you want Red Light Therapy Today?

  • Is the Essential Oil I need to use on Shelf 1 — if yes, is it on row 1, if no is it on row 2, and so on until you get a yes. Then moving across the row, ask if a specific oil ( by name) is what’s needed.

    • Then you can ask how many drops. Continue with increments until you receive a no.

Any Yes or no question for the higher good is ok to ask!

Remember that it is really real-time communication for an energetic response. Meaning, if your dog is a yes for a food, supplement or oil testing “yes” at this time, might not be the same one it tests for later. That’s ok! It helps us keep moving through the healing process.

It takes some practice! Keep trying.

It's important to note that muscle testing with a pendulum is considered a very subjective method and should not be used as a diagnostic tool. It should be used in conjunction with other forms of assessment and is not intended to replace appropriate medical care or research on safe use of products, contraindications, etc.

There are other ways to Muscle Test — read about them in the blog.


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