Balance Your Dog's Chakras
Chakras in Dogs: Understanding and Balancing Your Pet's Energy Centers
Dogs, just like humans, have an energy system that helps maintain their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. This energy system is known as the chakra system, which is made up of seven main energy centers that run along the spine and influence different aspects of a dog's life. In this article, we will explore each of these chakras, what they are, their location, the emotions associated with them, and what it means when they are out of balance.
Photo Credit: Lightfoot Way
Root Chakra: This chakra is located at the base of the spine and is associated with the color red. It is responsible for a dog's survival, safety, and grounding. Excess: When out of balance a dog may be excessively fearful, in a state of “flight”, guard resources, Depleted: restless, underweight,easily distracted.
Sacral Chakra: This chakra is located in the lower abdomen and is associated with the color orange. It is responsible for a dog's reproduction, emotion, grief, shock. Excess: whining for no reason, boundary issues
Solar Plexus Chakra: This chakra is located in the solar plexus and is associated with the color yellow. It is responsible for a dog's self-esteem and self-confidence, digestion. Excess: aggressive, dominant Depleted: dejected, withdrawn, no enthusiasm.
Heart Chakra: This chakra is located in the center of the chest and is associated with the color green. It is responsible love, trust, connection, pack hierarchy / relationships. Excess: codependence, overly possessive Depleted: unwilling to interact with others, nervous & insecure for no apparent reason.
Throat Chakra: This chakra is located in the throat and is associated with the color blue. It is responsible for a dog's communication and self-expression. Excess: excessive barking, as if no being heard Depleted: unable to communicate effectively. No noise.
Third Eye Chakra: This chakra is located in the center of the forehead and is associated with the color indigo. It is responsible for a dog's intuition and awareness. When this chakra is balanced, a dog will be aware of their surroundings and have strong instincts. Depleted: fear, sleep issues.
Crown Chakra: This chakra is located at the top of the head and is associated with the color violet. It is responsible for a dog's spiritual connection and enlightenment. When this chakra is balanced, a dog will be peaceful and content. Excess: Exceptionally smart without an outlet. Depleted: a dog may become confused, disoriented, or experience depression.
The Brachial Chakra — In animals, we also often discuss an 8th Chakra. This Chakra is located between the shoulders. It is a connective link to all other Chakras and said to be the center of human-animal bonding. When Depleted: there will be a reluctance to touch and refusal to form a connection with others.
One way to know if chakras are out of balance is to use a pendulum for muscle testing. In alternative medicine to assess the energy balance of the body's chakras, which are said to be spinning wheels of energy located along the spine. The pendulum is believed to be a tool that can respond to changes in the body's energy field, allowing the practitioner to determine whether a particular chakra is balanced or not.
A Reiki Master or Reiki practitioner can also help make an assessment of Chakra Balancing.
When a dog's chakras are out of balance, it can lead to physical, emotional, and behavioral problems. The good news is that chakras can be rebalanced, which can help restore a dog's physical and emotional well-being. Some ways to rebalance a dog's chakras include meditation, massage, aromatherapy, and Reiki.
Each Chakra can also be connected to ailments in those areas of of the body. Reiki, Food, music, essential oils, crystals, color therapy, and affirmations are just a few ways in which we can begin to work on chakra balancing.
Balancing your dog's chakras can help restore their physical and emotional well-being. The following are some common ways to balance a dog's chakras:
Meditation: Meditating with your dog can help calm their mind and balance their chakras. This can be done by simply sitting with your dog, focusing on their breathing, and visualizing their chakras being filled with light and energy.
Massage: Massaging your dog's chakra points can help stimulate their energy flow and balance their chakras. This can be done by gently rubbing the area associated with each chakra, such as the root chakra (base of the spine) or the heart chakra (center of the chest).
Aromatherapy: Using essential oils can help balance your dog's chakras. For example, lavender oil can help balance the root chakra and reduce anxiety, while frankincense oil can help balance the crown chakra and increase spiritual awareness.
Reiki: Reiki is a form of energy healing that can help balance your dog's chakras. A practitioner can use their hands to channel energy into your dog's chakras, helping to restore balance and harmony.
Animal Communications: Animal communicators use their ability to understand and interpret a dog's energy patterns to identify messages and imbalances in their chakras. They then use specific techniques to stimulate and balance the energy centers, promoting overall health and well-being in the dog. The goal is to create a harmonious flow of energy throughout the dog's body, leading to improved physical, emotional, and spiritual balanced.
Sound Bath: A sound bath is a therapeutic technique that uses different types of sounds and vibrations to balance the chakras and energy in dogs. The idea behind sound baths is that different sounds can have different effects on the body and mind, including balancing the chakras.
Affirmations: Affirmations can help reinforce positive emotions and thoughts associated with each chakra. For example, repeating positive affirmations like "I am confident and secure" for the root chakra or "I am loved and loving" for the heart chakra can help balance those chakras. Affirmations can be paired with any of the above methods.
It's important to remember that balancing a dog's chakras is not a one-time process, but rather an ongoing effort to maintain their well-being. Regularly incorporating these techniques into your dog's daily routine can help keep their chakras in balance and support their overall health and happiness.
Because animals often mirror our own emotions, it may also be important to balance your own Chakras and participate in a guardian and animal session together