Reiki For Dogs

It comes from the Japanese words “rei,” meaning universal, and “ki,” meaning life energy. Universal Life Energy. Together, Reiki means: “mysterious atmosphere, miraculous sign.”

Reiki is a type of energy healing to help move energy through the body. Energy can be healing and comforting. Reiki allows the practitioner to share healing energy with the receiver.

Energy can stagnate in the body where there has been physical injury or even emotional pain. In time, these energy blocks can cause illness and even behavioral issues. A Reiki session can help release these energetic blocks.

Reiki for dogs can support relaxation, pain relief, emotional healing, physical healing & overall wellbeing. Universal Energy Flow can help the body support itself best. While Reiki is extremely powerful, it is very gentle to the recipient.

Reiki sessions can be done in-person or from distance.

During these sessions, I often receive information that helps me guide the pet parent to areas of support that will be beneficial for their animal’s well-being and needs.

Ask me about Reiki for Dogs & their guardians as a shared experience.

Reiki For Dogs

 Benefits of Reiki For Dogs

Reiki, a form of energy healing, is believed to offer several benefits for dogs in terms of their wellbeing, behavior, health, and recovery. While the scientific evidence supporting these claims is limited, many pet owners and practitioners of Reiki have reported positive outcomes. Here are some potential benefits of Reiki for dogs:

  1. Wellbeing: Reiki for dogs aims to restore balance and harmony to the body, mind, and spirit. Dogs, like humans, can experience stress, anxiety, and emotional imbalances. Reiki sessions may help dogs feel more relaxed, peaceful, and content, promoting overall emotional wellbeing.

  2. Behavior: Dogs exhibiting behavioral issues such as aggression, fear, or hyperactivity might benefit from Reiki for dogs. By addressing the underlying energetic imbalances and emotional distress, Reiki can potentially help reduce anxiety and improve behavioral patterns.

  3. Health: Reiki for dogsis believed to support the body's natural healing processes by promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and enhancing overall vitality. It can complement traditional veterinary care and may be beneficial for dogs with various health conditions, including chronic pain, inflammation, digestive disorders, and immune system imbalances.

  4. Recovery: Dogs recovering from surgery, injury, or illness may benefit from Reiki for dogs sessions. Reiki energy is thought to accelerate the healing process and support the body's ability to regenerate cells. It can also help alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and enhance the immune response, promoting a faster recovery.

  5. Bonding and trust: Reiki sessions involve physical touch and the transfer of healing energy. This can foster a deeper connection and trust between the dog and their human practitioner. Dogs who have experienced trauma or abuse may find Reiki for dogs particularly helpful in rebuilding trust and feeling safe.

  6. Stress reduction: Dogs are sensitive to their environment and can easily become stressed or anxious. Reiki for dogs sessions provide a calming and soothing experience, allowing dogs to release tension and stress. Reduced stress levels can have a positive impact on their overall health and behavior.

  7. Emotional support: Dogs can experience a range of emotions, just like humans. Reiki for dogs may help dogs process and release emotional blockages or trauma, leading to improved emotional well-being and a greater sense of balance.

It's important to note that Reiki should not replace veterinary care, and any concerns about your dog's health or behavior should be addressed by a qualified veterinarian. Additionally, it's advisable to consult with a professional Reiki practitioner who specializes in working with animals to ensure a safe and appropriate treatment plan for your dog.

In-Home Reiki For Dogs: Sessions are available in North Myrle Beach and Surrounding areas. Reiki can also be done remotely.
Reiki For Dogs North Myrtle Beach SC