The Basics of Muscle Testing
Yes or No?
Muscle testing, also known as applied kinesiology, is a dynamic method for assessing the body's innate capacity to heal itself. It involves gently pressing on muscles and testing their response. By doing so, practitioners can obtain information about the overall health of the body and mind. In this blog post, we'll explore different ways to muscle test and how you can use them to start getting in tune with your body.
Pendulum Method
A pendulum is a tool commonly used for muscle testing. It consists of a weighted object hung from a chain or cord. To begin using it, ask your subject to hold the pendulum in their dominant hand while they remain still and relaxed. You then hold your other hand directly beneath the pendulum. This will allow you to see its movements in relation to your own energy field. Ask your subject a simple question such as "is banana good for me?" and observe the movement of the pendulum in relation to an answer (yes or no). If it moves clockwise, then yes may be indicated; if it moves counter-clockwise, then no may be indicated; if it remains still, neither answer may be supported.
The Pendulum is my preferred method. I just find it easier, convenient and where people can see it in action for themselves.
Arm Test Method
The arm test is another popular way of muscle testing that does not require any additional tools like a pendulum does. Have your subject extend one arm out horizontally in front of them with their palm facing up. Place your hands together around their wrist firmly but gently and apply pressure towards each other as though you were trying to close a book shut. Ask them the same question ("is banana good for me?") and see how easily they can resist against pressure being applied from both sides—this should indicate whether or not something is energetically resonating with them (yes/no).
Sway Method
The sway method is similar to the arm test but requires less physical effort from both parties involved in order to perform it successfully. Again have your subject stand straight and relaxed while holding one arm out horizontally at chest height with their palm facing up towards you this time however instead of applying pressure like before simply have them gently sway back and forth (like they would when doing trunk rotations at gym class). Note which direction they are leaning more towards (either side) while lightly resisting against motion being made either way—this should indicate whether or not something is energetically resonating with them (yes/no).
Finger Method
The finger method utilizes body language rather than physical force in order to determine what does or doesn’t resonate energetically with someone's system. Ask your subject to place two fingertips of their dominant hand flat against yours and gently press downwards whilst repeating whatever question it is that needs answering ("is banana good for me?"). Observe how easily they can move their fingers away from yours—this should indicate whether or not something is energetically resonating with them (yes/no).
Muscle testing is an ancient practice that has been used by many cultures around the world throughout history as a means of healing and divination alike - It's not only fascinating but highly effective too! Hopefully, this blog post has given you some insight into different ways that you can start exploring muscle testing yourself - good luck on your journey!
Using Muscle Testing with Dogs
Muscle testing can also be an effective tool when working with animals, particularly dogs. It can be used to determine what foods a dog is intolerant to, what they will eat when they don't feel well, and which essential oils or herbs might support their overall wellbeing and many other yes/no questions!
The process for muscle testing a dog is largely the same as that detailed above. For the Pendulum method, hold the pendulum above your dog while you ask your question (e.g., "is chicken good for my dog?"). The direction of the swing should indicate whether the answer is yes or no.
When muscle testing, humans can act as surrogates for their canine companions. If you and I are meeting, I can use you for the arm test and we both simply set expectations that the test (question) is for the dog. You can do the finger or sway test at the grocery on your dog’s behalf.
Experiment and learn to trust your answers!
It's important to remember that with muscle testing all results should be taken holistically and with an open mind - nothing is ever completely black or white! If you're unsure about any questions then seeking advice from a canine nutritionist, aromatherapist, herbalist, or homeopathic educator or wholistic veterinarian could be beneficial in helping you formulate a nutrition plan tailored specifically to your canine friend's individual needs.