The Difference Between Sam/E and Milk Thistle

Are Sam/E and Milk Thistle the Same?

No, they aren’t. But they both support the liver and can be part of a liver detox protocol or ongoing support for your dog’s liver.

They both may help protect the liver from damage and help it to heal. However, there are some important differences between the two supplements that you should be aware of.

What is Sam/E?

Sam-e is a synthetic form of a molecule that is naturally produced by the body. It is often used as a supplement to treat depression and joint pain. Sam-e has also been shown to help protect the liver from damage and help the liver to heal.

I am not a big fan of synthetic products in general, so I prefer to use essential oils and herbs for liver support, but there seems to be solid evidence, success, and approval by a number of holistic veterinarians on the use of Sam/E.

Read More About SAM-E in this blog

What is Milk Thistle?

Milk thistle is an herbal plant that has been used for centuries as a natural liver detoxifier and liver support supplement. The active ingredient in milk thistle is silymarin, which is a group of compounds that work together to protect the liver from damage and promote liver cell regeneration.

Milk Thistle is a plant (herb) known as Silybum marianum, often called Silymarin.

Milk Thistle should be part of every dog’s first aid collection for anytime there is a potential risk of toxin or poison exposure. Administer en route to the emergency vet or as you call Poison Control.

Read More About Milk Thistle in this blog

When should you give your dog Sam/E or Milk Thistle?

If you are looking to protect your liver from damage or help it to heal, you may want to consider taking Sam-e or milk thistle. Both supplements have been shown to be effective in liver support. However, milk thistle may be more effective than Sam-e in this regard. We actually use both on a temporary basis in our Liver Cleanse Protocol.

Side Effects of Milk Thistle or Sam/e in Dogs?

Both Sam-e and milk thistle are generally safe supplements with few side effects. The most common side effect of Sam-e is gastrointestinal upset. The most common side effect of milk thistle is diarrhea, if too much is used. During detox protocols, you may see an increase in your dog’s elimination matter for a short time.

Milk Thistle Dosage for Dogs

The recommended dosage of milk thistle for dogs is 1-2ml per 20lbs of body weight daily.

Sam/E Dosage for Dogs

The recommended dosage of Sam-e for dogs is 10-20mg per kg of body weight daily.

We recommend you keep Milk thistle in your first aid kit!

See My Liver Cleanse Detox Protocol


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