The WellOiledK9
Dog Nutrition services
Nutrition is the single most important gift we can give our pets no matter their age.
Dog Nutrition Consultations:
Raw, gently cooked, homemade or commercial foods. Functional foods, evaluations of your dog’s current diet, and wellness support through nutrition. Allergies, Digestive Health, Behavior, Ailment & Recovery support, detox for all life-stages.
Learn More about Nutrition!
Wellness Guides & Protocols
Downloads for support & guidance to help your dog’s body find balance and homeostasis toward health and wellness through nutrition, aromatherapy, herbs, homeopathy and other modalities of wellness.
Supplements for Dogs
Stop guessing and wasting money on products you don’t need or that don’t work. When you do need supplements, I have great resources for you to choose for every health condition. Read more about specific supplements on my blog.
See My Suggested Products
Custom Strategies & Support
Customized plans & support through all lifestages for your dog. Partnership & support for you. Includes: Aging Pets / Senior Protocols, Allergies, Digestive Health, Liver, Kidney, Pancreas, Heart, Cancer, etc.
“ For almost any wellness goal there is a holistic support option, protocol or modality. When you think you have tried everything — try one more.”
Holistic Dog Health Coaching
The more natural options we implement the better health, and longevity our dogs will have. But it’s overwhelming out there. Let me help guide you.
Essential Oils for Dogs:
Essential Oils support Joint Health, Ailment Suport & Recovery, Discomfort Relief, Aging Relief, Immune Support, Neuro Episode Support, Respiratory Care and more. Healthy, natural products.
Detox Protocols for Dogs
Toxic Load Reduction: Flea and tick, Heartworm, Vaccine, Parasite Protocols. Liver Detox & Heavy Meatal Protocols, Healthier food and product choices for longevity.
Did you know your behavioral case may need a detox?
Dog Allergies
Put an end to your dog’s allergies, Itching, Skin Health, Ear Infections, Inflammed Paw Pads, Food Intolerances,
Intolerance Testing, Microbiome Health,
Natural Wellness For Dogs
First Aid, Home Remedies, Surgical Aftercare, Senior Pets, Puppies & Mamas, Natural & Alternative remedies.
Herbs, Homeopathy, Mind Body & Spirit
Does your heart break as you watch your dog struggle to get up or get comfortable, or move through the yard? Is Red Hot Itchy skin making you both miserable? Do you wish you could help him?
You can.
Maybe you’ve been given bad news from the vet that leaves you feeling desperate for options. Would you want to explore other options that may help extend your time together?
You can. O
Or are you ready to get proactive with your dogs’s health? No matter what— you can. And I’m here to help you.
Together We Can!
You don’t have to do this alone. You need a partner, a shoulder and a strategy. I’m here to help.
Disease Risk CAN Be Reduced
Did you know that 1 in 2 dogs will be diagnosed with cancer?
Would you change that statistic for your dog if you could? Of course, you would. What if I told you that you can reduce your dog’s chances of developing disease simply by making different choices now — even small ones?
YOU CAN. I will help you.
Cancer & Hospice clients receive a full initial consult for free. We’d rather you spend your money on better food and products!!
Have Questions before you get started? No problem — just email me!
Mind, Body & Spirit
support relaxation, pain relief, emotional healing, physical healing & overall wellbeing. Reiki is extremely powerful, it is very gentle to the recipient.
Raindrop Technique
provides a spiritual means of nurturing harmony—physically, mentally, and emotionally with essential oils.
Emotional Release:
Your dog may be holding on to deep rooted emotions & trauma much like we do, and sometimes we refuse to admit. Sometimes our dogs take on our emotional burdens too.
Animal Communication:
Does your dog have a message to share with you? Do you have questions you’d like to ask your dog? Learn what your dog is trying to say or teach us.
Your Dog Has Emotional, Environmental, and Energetic Needs as Well.
Holistic Pet Health Coaching & Canine Nutrition:
Let me help you cut through the overwhelm on FB and Google and coach you 1:1 for your dog, your personal needs and your budget. You need a partner and a strategy. We can cover:
Alternatives to Flea and Tick Prevention
HW Prevention and Recovery
Vaccine AfterCare & Education
Surgical Aftercare
Skin Conditions
Joint & Muscular Health
Senior Care
Puppy Care
Seizure Care
Emotional Rehab, Trauma Recovery
Raw Feeding, Homemade Food or Commercially Prepared
Learn to use nutrition, supplements, essential oils, herbs, homeoapthy for health, healing, and recovery
Improve your dog's food bowl -- even if you feed kibble.
Food Intolerances, Sensitivities, Allergies
Gut Health Recovery
Proactive Protocols
Recovery Protocols
Detox Protocols — Vaccines, antibiotics, heavy metals, environmental.
Natural Remedies & First Aid Guidance.
Cancer Support* -- Initial consult is no cost for cancer.
Supplement Reviews & Guidance.
Integrative Conversations With Your Vet