Your Dog's Limbic System

Our limbic system stores memories based on smell. It's how certain smells remind you of your grandmother's house or the holidays. In fact, the limbic system will imprint things that you may not even consciously remember.

For your dog it's often the smell of the vets office or shelter that invokes fear and memory of unpleasant experiences. Or even the car ride that took them there.  

It's why I suggested you imprint new essential oils at at time when your dog is in a calm state of mind.

The fascinating thing about essential oils is that we can them to begin to release emotions, trauma, and move us forward towards healing.

It's important that you as the guardian and pet parent also release your own emotions, the story you're holding on to on behalf of your dog, and allow them to move forward. You can actually hold them back with your own thoughts and limiting beliefs. Often when choosing essential oils for the animal, I choose oils the guardian appears to need for their own beliefs.

If you "know" the story behind any trauma or emotions, you maybe better able to begin oil selection. But if you aren't sure -- don't make up a story!   We can use many modalities of energy and emotional work to let the dog tell us his truth.  Evaluate the dog before you today, and consider their needs and choose from there.

There are some amazing pre-designed blends I recommend for this. Blends can offer amazing results and trust me these well-designed blends are not like adding a drop of this and a drop of that to make your own recipe. I’ll teach you more about that soon.

Ask me about scheduling a Raindrop or Emotional Release.    I teach my members how to do them at home for their family and pets.   And I'll help you with any follow-up questions.    I even offer Reiki and Raindrop for both the dog and his person.   Sometimes they share the emotion with us. (See Energy Healing For Dogs)


Harnessing the Power of Essential Oils and Crystals To Balance Your Dog's Energy


Soothing Skin Spray