Your Dog's Risk of Exposure to Glysophate

Your Dog’s Risk of Exposure to Glysophate

Glysophate is one of the most dangerous toxins we expose our dogs to, everyday, just by feeding them a bowl of kibble or letting them play in the yard.

Hard facts for you to consider about Glysophate:

  • Glysophate is found in 70% of the rainfall around the world. You and your dog are both exposed to it daily. Dogs who spend more time outdoors are exposed to a greater degree.

  • When round-up is used in your yard 4x per year, your dog will have a 50% greater risk of developing lymphoma. Tufts has done a study showing lawn chemicals increase the risk of malignant lymphoma by 70%.

  • Dry Kibble increases exposure to 400 parts per million vs a raw-fed dog who’s exposure is 1 part per million.

  • Urine tests in dogs show they average 30 times higher glysophate exposure than humans. Cats are 16 times higher.

Toxin exposure such as glysophate exposure increases your dogs’ risk of disease. To further complicate things, your dog brings with it 3 generations of exposure. Yes, as an egg present in the embryo of its mother, your dog was already exposed to everything it’s grandmother was exposed to… and its mother.

That of course is scary and unknown. Epigenetics gives us a little hope that we can start to help manage the on-off switches of genetics & cellular health. We do that by controlling the things we can. Better foods, reduced exposure to toxins & synthetics, healthier cleaning products, etc. And of course you know I believe in the detox protocols for good measure.

Please don’t get stressed — do the best you can and know that every step forward you take to reduce exposure is a good thing. Make at least 1 positive change every year.

  • Have your Water Tested - -Use Filtered Water

  • Titer Test before vaccinating — Detox After Any Vaccines

  • Liver and Kidney Detox protocols at least yearly

    Change Your Cleaning Products to plant-based / essential oil based.

  • Say No to flea and tick products, dewormers, etc. Use essential oils instead.

  • Reduce Stress

  • Feed Fresh Foods - especially leafy green and colorful veg and fruit.

    • Garlic, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, broccoli sprouts  (100x more sulforaphane than broccoli)

    • Asparagus for it’s Glutathione benefits / important to detox protocols

    • use Organic when you can.

  • Add Antioxidants, Vitamin C, Omega 3, Blueberries, Wolfberries, Pomegranate

  • Supplement: Glutathione.

    • Glycine can be used to help prevent glyphosate from being stored. Glycine is also an important component of the master antioxidant Glutathione. Added glycine can enhance glutathione activity and detox as a result. Collagen, bone broth, meat, dairy, eggs and some fruits and veggies contain glycine.

  • Anytime you have an exposure do at least a round of Adored Beast Liver Tonic. That is to say, if you spray your yard, use Liver Tonic / Milk Thistle for about 7 days after. And then do a full seasonal protocol 2x per year.

  • Use Essential Oils: Helichrysum, Lime, Bergamot, Lemon, German Chamomile, Geranium

  • Use Herbs: Parsley, Rosemary, Dandelion Root

How To Combat The Effects of Glysophate In Dogs

There are a number of things you can do to help your dog’s health and wellbeing — with a focus on longevity.

This is one reason I suggest a Liver Cleanse Protocol twice per year! Join my FB group to learn more about this and when it’s time, I’ll help walk you through it.

Reach Out — let’s talk and ask me about my suggested protocol.


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