Pet Safety With Essential Oils
Keep oils away from eyes!
Safety is the utmost priority when using essential oils around pets. While essential oils can be used safely and effectively for your dog, it is important that you keep safety in mind.
We encourage everyone to start slow introducing your dog to essential oils.
Diffusing essential oils is the most gentle way to get started for pets. Do so in very short intervals initially.
Observe your dog's behavior and response to any new oil you introduce. Don't use the same oil day in and day out for extended periods of time -- rotate them. You have many choices for variety, even within certain goal and system categories.
And use your common sense, ask questions of well-trained professionals anytime you need help or find the information confusing - (not just the newest oils distributor).
Essential Oil Safety For Dogs
Before you jump in head first, let's cover a few safety tips.
Some oils can be quite "hot". You may hear them described as spicy.
Generally speaking, essential oils will not burn you, but you may actually feel heat on your skin, especially if you get them in your eye. However, there are some essential oils that are photosensitive (sun sensitive), meaning if applied to the skin and then expose to direct sunlight for extended periods of time can create sunburn!
Your dog isn't going to understand this sensation the first time or so that it occurs. So you'll hear us talk about "low and slow". Help the dog (or pet) get acclimated to these oils by diluting them to begin introducing them topically.
Hot Essential Oils
Hot Oils would include: Clove, Cinnamon, Oregano, Thyme, Oregano, and Peppermint, to name a few. This doesn't mean you can't ever use these oils -- just that when you begin you use a carrier oil and dilute.
Avoid Essential Oils And The Eyes
Avoid getting oils into your dog's eye (or your own!) Be careful when petting around their face, but also if there is a possibility that your dog will paw his face -- don't apply the oil to his feet!
It's unpleasant to get essential oil in your eyes. But if it happens -- rinse the eye with olive oil, coconut oil, or milk. Any kind -- cow's milk, almond milk, coconut milk etc.
But never water! Water will intensify the effects.
If this happens to your dog -- s/he is highly unlikely to want you coming near them again with your bottles of oil. That will be quite the imprint.