Carcinogens In Dog Food

Bowl of Dog Kibble Carcinogens

Some of you may have reservations about feeding your dog a raw diet. However, with a carefully crafted meal plan, dogs are well-suited for this type of nutrition.

For those still undecided about transitioning to raw, let's examine the consequences of high-heat processing, common in kibble production and some home-cooked meals. High-heat processing, typically above 375 degrees Fahrenheit, is used in the manufacture of kibble, often involving multiple cooking sessions. Commercial canned and kibble foods are generally cooked within the range of 375 to 500 degrees Fahrenheit.

Meats, poultry, and fish cooked at high temperatures can produce carcinogenic compounds, increasing the risk of cancer. This challenges the perception of kibble as a safe or healthy option. Recognizing the potential drawbacks, many are reconsidering their approach to pet nutrition, including myself, leading to a shift in business focus towards education on optimal pet diets.

According to Cancer.Gov, chemicals like Heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are formed during high-temperature cooking processes, contributing to mutagenic changes in DNA, potentially increasing cancer risk. HCAs form when amino acids, sugars, and creatine react at high temperatures, while PAHs arise when fat and juices from meat drip onto a hot surface, generating smoke containing carcinogenic compounds.

Even charred proteins pose health risks, exposing both humans and dogs to harmful substances like PAHs and HCAs. Opting for raw or gently cooked foods rather than charred ones is a safer choice for both you and your beloved pet.

If transitioning to a raw diet feels like too much a a challenge right now, consider lightly cooking meals at temperatures below 275 degrees Fahrenheit. However, ensure a balanced diet and seek guidance to assemble the necessary components and supplements.

If you’re still needing to stay in the kibble category of foods for your dog, please consider incorporating fresh leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, and other recommended products can enhance your dog's health and longevity. Adding up to 20% of fresh foods to your dog's total meal volume can yield significant health benefits.

Don’t forget to add Volhard Endurance to your home-prepared meals or to the kibble bowl to avoid gaps in your vitamins and mineral needs.

Let’s talk. It’s time.

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