What to Expect From a Dog Behaviorist

When you’re searching for a behaviorist for your dog you are going to find Veterinary Behaviorists. And they have their place. But my experience with veterinary behaviorist are lots of medications for your dog, a pretty thick document of content for you to read and take action on, and a hefty consulting fee. Then you’re on your own from there.

You’re also going to find dog trainers who want to train your dog out of his state of mind. Depending the issue and severity it may not work long-term. I have literally seen over-trained dogs that are so obedient they are under the stress of the obedience. Their minds are not calm, their heads are not clear and they are functioning without “thinking”. It’s just going through the motions without being relaxed, comfortable or happy.

My approach is different. We’re going to:

  • evaluate your dog — the dog that stands before us today, how he got here, and what he’s capable of.

  • who he is as a breed and an individual

  • the story you may be telling yourself and others, the language you use to interact with him.

  • the environment

  • your leadership, rules, and expectations, consistency, clarity

  • review the nutrition & supplements that goes into and on to his body, where it’s stored, and how it’s detoxified (Nutrition & Natural Wellness)

  • what his purpose in this world is / his job / his instincts

  • A Whole-Dog Approach

If your dog is on medications, we’ll work with your vet to wean the dog off those prescriptions. I want to see the raw dog. As we can only train the dog that stands before us today. We need to know how to get to the root cause, not a masked version of reality.

The process works. It may take time. It definitely takes commitment from you. But Dog Behavior Modification with a whole-dog approach in mind works. I’ve done it countless times. Dog Behavior modification is my passion — I love seeing the breakthrough and the happiness on the other side.

It will work for you to, when you’re ready to see your dog find peace and relief in his own well-being.


Your Dog’s Liver


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