The Rabies Vaccine For Dogs

Understanding the Rabies Vaccine

This is the vaccine that has most people up in arms! Mostly, because we have no say and no control of using it for out pets.

There is no cure for Rabies if contracted, so we must prevent rabies through vaccination.

Most states have laws surrounding rabies vaccine requirements. You are encouraged to delay the vaccine as long as possible. For most, that’s no sooner than 6 months of age.

So again, we aren’t antivaccine here and want our dogs protected from this deadly disease. But we also want to see the laws changed against requiring vaccines for our dogs if they are still producing antibodies. We want to see Titer Testing accepted!

What You Should Know About The Rabies Vaccine

There are a couple of issues you must be aware of before your consider revaccinating:

  • The vaccine for your Yorkie is the same as the vaccine was for my Great Dane. There is no dosing differential.

  • The vaccine administered at 1 year and 3 years is the same vaccine. There is no dosing differential.

  • The vaccine is only 88% effective. So approximately 12 % of dogs who have received the vaccine may be at risk. The only way to know for sure is titer testing.

  • Data tells us that most dogs will never need another vaccine after their first dose because the dog's body continues to produce antibodies.

  • Having any antibodies present is considered immunity -- the range you hear people discuss isn't really relative unless it drops to 0.

  • Your vet is required to get a Rabies vaccine when going into practice. They titer themselves before receiving another.

  • You must confirm/request an aluminum-free / Thimersol free vaccine. Do not permit your vet to use a vaccine that contains Thimerosal.

  • Side effects are reactions. What we are told is "normal" -- isn't normal to the body. It's just common to see with many dogs. We have been taught side effects are ok. They may not be for your dog next time.

  • The liver must process the vaccine. This can be a compounding problem with other vaccines and environmental factors.

  • If you are using something like Benedryl as an advanced preventative against possible allergic reaction — be sure that it’s xylitol free. Remember Benedryl is also not risk-free.

Do NOT administer the Rabies vaccine simultaneously with another vaccine, under stress, or with any other medical or surgical procedure.

We can support the immune system and the liver PRIOR to going in for the vaccine and AFTER. This is important to do. We do so with nutrition, essential oils, and homeopathy.

If it's nearing time for your vaccine, let's get you started on a wellness protocol, building your dog’s immune sytstem and preparing for vaccine detox & possible vaccinosis.


Titer Testing Before Vaccinating Your Dog


Does My Dog Need the Lepto Vaccine?