Puppy Carpet Cleaner

Whether you have a young puppy you’re trying to house training, a senior citizen aging pet, or even a dog that gets sometimes gets unwell in the house — carpets and floors need to be cleaned.

I recommend to you a plant-based cleaning product that is safe for everyone — and does the trick to clean the stain & remove the odor.

Pet Stain and Odor Remover Recipe


• 1 cup apple cider vinegar

• 1 cup water

• 1 teaspoon salt

• 15 drops Lemon essential oil

• 5 drops Eucalyptus Radiata essential oil

• 5 drops Purifying Blend essential oil blend

• 2 cups baking soda (optional, for tough or already-dried stains)


If your puppy very recently left a puddle on the living room carpet, use these instructions for removing fresh stains:

1. Add the essential oils to the salt and mix well.

2. In a spray bottle, combine the salt mixture, apple cider vinegar, and water. Mix thoroughly until salt has dissolved.

3. Blot the “accident” to remove excess moisture.

4. Shake the bottle, then spray the stained area generously until wet.

5. Let sit for 10–15 minutes.

6. Using an old towel or rag, soak up the mixture by blotting until moisture is removed. Do not apply heat to aid in the drying process, as it can cause unwanted odors and stains to set permanently.

When you find an older, smellier, set-in stain, use the instructions above to make the DIY pet odor eliminator and then:

1. Spray the area generously until wet.

2. Sprinkle baking soda over the stain and leave for 24 hours or until dry. The baking soda will absorb the stain during this time.

Once dry, scoop up as much baking soda as possible and discard, then vacuum thoroughly to remove any remaining powder.

Don't forget you can try plant-based House Hold Cleaner as well using the same process.

I don't have carpet anymore, but I have been known to add Thieves HHC to my carpet cleaning machine in the past.

Don't forget you can download a house training guide and a crate training guide from our guides and protocols section.

Get Started With Young Living | Member # 2841061 | First Step to Healthy, Happy, Thriving Dogs!


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