Dangers of Blue Green Algae To Dogs

Dogs Playing in water

Safety reminder for our water-loving dogs….

A dip in cool water could be deadly for your dog.

As the temps rise, the growth of blue-green algae begins.

Cyanobacterial Blooms Deadly To Dogs

Blue-green algae, also known as cyanobacteria, can pose a deadly risk to dogs if they are exposed to it. This type of algae produces microcystins and neurotoxins that can cause severe health problems or even sudden death if exposed (ingested or simply walking in toxic water). The toxins affect the liver, nervous system, and other organs in the body.

Dogs can be exposed to blue-green algae by drinking even the smallest sip or swimming in contaminated water. Symptoms of exposure can occur within minutes and accelerate quickly. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, confusion, wobbly, seizures, accelerated heart rate, difficulty breathing, and even death. Exposure to blue-green algae can be fatal.

Many pet parents do not know about the risk, so please share information with everyone! I see too many dogs every summer that do not make it home from a swimming adventure. The weather is hot and we think let’s go swimming! Seems perfectly normal, but could be a nightmare.

Even bodies of water you swam in last month could quickly bloom with this algae as the temperatures increase. If you are not sure if the body of water is safe — go home and get out the garden hose, sprinkler or kiddie pool. No swim is worth the risk.

If you suspect exposure, rinse your dog in fresh water (yes, take fresh water with you everywhere), call poison control immedieantly (you have the number saved in your phone —yes save it in your phone (888) 426-4435 along with your local vet and ER closest ER vet — even if you’re traveling), and head immediately to the vet. You have no time to waste.

I personally would be inclined to add some liver tonic/ milk thistle as I head to the vet. For those of you oily dog mamas — Raindrop & Essential oils immediately en route to the vet. (What do you keep in your first aid kit — you can see my suggested first aid kit here

Please be safe this summer.

Test Your Water Source For Blue-Green Algae

5Strands Now offers a testing kit for water sources.


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