Essential Oils for Dogs With Separation Anxiety

Getting dogs to settle down in their crate is one of the top calls I get as a dog trainer.

I enjoy using essential oils as calming and relaxing support for dogs when they are learning crate training exercises, when we move them to new locations, or when there are things that upset them and keep them a bit less relaxed than ideal.

Essential Oils for general calming support are:

You can diffuse these oils as single oils or you can combine 2-3 of them together for a unique custom blend. Try various combinations to see what works for you and your dog.

After I have done imprinting and proper introduction of oils to the dogs -- I will set a diffuser with an intermittent schedule so that it will run several times throughout the time that the dog should be settled down home alone, in his crate, or even just during nap time.

You can make a small misting spray bottle and spray your dog's bedding. Just use up to 10 drops in any combination you like in a 4-ounce glass spray bottle, filled the remaining way with water.

If you are applying oils topically, you only need a drop or 2. Remember less is more when you first begin. Your dog's olfactory senses are significantly stronger than your own -- don't overwhelm him! It only takes a little oil to go a long way and has the desired effect.

You don't next "extra" for a long day or overnight -- that's not how oils work. They are generally absorbed within few minutes or hours depending on carrier oil choices. And they will be metabolized out of the body within hours. This is a good reason to choose a diffuser or spraying the bedding vs a topical application -- though you can do both! Just don't use excessive amounts of oil. Less is more!

You can apply to a bandana or collar, you can apply with a bit of V6 or coconut oil to your own hands and pet the dog -- remember his fur acts as a wick to move the oil down to the skin level, or when you feel more confident with your dog's acceptance of oils you may apply a drop or two to his spine or the top of his feet

Also, remember -- what is applied to the skin will be absorbed into the skin, your dog’s fur will even act as a wick increasing the speed of absorption.

Some more challenging dogs will require more training & perhaps additional essential oil choices to help them release emotional baggage (it becomes very well-rehearsed over time), and emotions can actually get stuck!

Top Choices Of Essential Oils for Dogs With Anxiety

Often my go-to oils in this are Cedarwood, Chamomille, Lavender, Frankincense, Copaiba, Vetiver or Valerian or some combination! I often do imprinting work with the dog and let them self-select. If you don't have these oils in your collection already -- my suggestion is to do a little research on these oils and see what "resonates" with you on your dog's behalf and then select. You can also do muscle-testing / kinesiology, meditation or prayer to make your choice before you order.

We need to remember that anxiety has emotional roots — it’s a symptom of something else emotional. And it may even be something generational from your dog’s past. Ok, I know that sounds like voodoo — but let’s talk. You may be surprised at what we are able to achieve — and really all that matters is we help your dog move forward.

There are some terrific essential oil blends that can help us release emotional roots and help your dog heal.

I have a full training and wellness protocol to address separation anxiety. It includes training, teaching you Raindrop Technique & Emotional Release Work. It includes online training, interactive support from me, and other wellness protocols that can help your pet release their anxiety and trust your leadership

Also, explore info on generalized Anxiety as its all intertwined: — see my guide: anxiety relief. You can also schedule a time to discuss training suggestions or reach out to schedule private coaching sessions. It may also be wise for us to discuss food and supplements as anxiety can be directly connected to health. I have solve it many times.

Ask me About Muscle Testing and energy work to help trace your dog’s emotional roots & choose essential oils effectively


Essential Oils Aggressive Dog Behavior


Raindrop Technique For Dogs