Food Allergies In Dogs

Dog food allergies are caused by consumption of food containing a particular ingredient which causes the body to mount a defense against the offending ingredient.

Food allergies can also include drug allergies. Food allergens are the cause of approximately ten percent of all allergy symptoms seen in dogs. The fact is that food allergies are seen with increasing frequency in dogs these days as increasing numbers of poorly bred dogs are seen.

Food allergies can usually be determined by the process of elimination in which certain food ingredients are removed from the diet one at a time to track the progress of symptoms. Some of the most common food allergies in dogs include wheat, corn, soy, chicken, and eggs, gluten.

It is important to note that there is a difference between a food allergy and food intolerance.

Food allergies result in symptoms such as skin problems and itching. Food intolerance presents with other symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea but does not include symptoms common to allergies. Food allergies in dogs are like a human who goes into anaphylactic shock after eating something with peanuts in it. Food intolerance is like a human who gets an upset stomach any time they eat spicy food.

Food allergies can be treated by switching to an allergy-friendly variety of dog food. After a short period on the new diet, skin problems caused by the allergy will begin to clear up.

Try My Intolerance Elimination Guide

I strongly encourage you to begin your journey with an intolerance test. It may save you a tremendous amount of time, guesswork, and money to start with very specific answers. Order 5 Strands Intolerance Tests (affiliate link)

Let’s Talk About the Best Food For Dogs With Allergies —- I can help you find the right options for your dog.


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