Prescription Dog Food
Are Prescription Dog Foods A Healthy Choice
But my vet said, I have to use this….. Call me!
They claim to be. They are often prescribed by your veterinarian when your dog is diagnosed with diabetes, heart disease, renal insufficiency, chronic kidney disease, digestive issues, and many other health issues.
Like traditional kibble, these diets are also created with several processing steps, including mixing, extrusion, drying, and coating, at high heat, up to 300 to 400 ℉ in some steps. Temperatures over 160℉ cause fat oxidation and HCAs, AGEs, acrylamide, trans fats, and PAHs to form. High-temperature processing also decreases the natural antioxidants in the food.
Prescription Dog Foods Contain No Medicine.
I used to believe that when using prescription diets I was giving my dog medication that they needed built into the food. Funny how no one tells you that it’s just a marketing ploy and that real food is always a better option.
There are no medications in prescription dog food. But you will likely find glyphosate (aka Roundup), heavy metals, low quality ingredients and other contaminants.
You’l also find generally at least 30% carbohydrates in prescription food. Your sick dog, especially with digestive issues, allergies, or recovery, does not need carbs.
Prescription diets are usually big money-makers for your veterinarian. But worse, they are typically low-quality ingredients and restrictive ingredients at that. You may even find that meats are not the primary ingredients in your food.
What Makes A Dog Food Prescription
The pet food and veterinary industries agreed to call it prescription. Yea, that’s pretty much it.
What they do not tell you, is that these so-called prescription diets are NOT ever meant to be used long-term. You’d have to do some digging into the resources to find that nugget of information.
What Are Prescription Diets For Dogs
Primarily the fact that your vet has to sell them, and the big food brands came up with a marketing strategy. They are typically chicken and corn. Both ingredients are highly inflammatory.
These diets are intended to treat a specific disease — but usually do not offer healing. They may include supplementation for specific organs, but these are often synthetic ingredients not whole food sources.
Alternatives to Prescription Diets
Fresh Food customized for your dog’s individual needs. No matter what your dog may be dealing with real foods can be used. When appropriate we may need to add supplementation, herbs, essential oils or homeopathy to support the ailment further.
Fresh food diets for the win. It may seem overwhelming if your dog has an ailment to figure out what to fed him that will support his health & well-being. No worries, you’re not alone. Let’s talk about it.
We can create nutrient-rich and healing foods customized for the condition your vet has “prescribed” these diets for. You will find better results!
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