Why Dogs Eat Poop

why dogs eat poop

Why do some dogs eat poop? Yes, we think it’s gross (and it is), but it’s a common behavior in dogs, known as coprophagia. There are several reasons this can happen, ranging from medical to behavioral causes:

Medical reasons could include:

  • Poor diet or nutrient deficiencies

  • Digestive issues like IBD or parasites

  • Underfeeding or side effects from medications

Behavioral reasons might include:

  • Puppy curiosity

  • Stress, boredom, or isolation

  • Learning from other dogs

  • Even breed tendencies

  • Resource Guarding

  • Past Punishment

If your dog is eating poop (coprophagia), there are several strategies you can try to curb this behavior. Here are some practical tips:

1. Rule out medical issues

First, consult your vet to ensure there’s no underlying medical condition like parasites, poor digestion, or nutrient deficiencies. Treating health issues can often stop the behavior.

2. Adjust their diet

Make sure your dog’s diet is well-balanced and provides all necessary nutrients. You might consider adding digestive enzymes or supplements, as some dogs eat poop due to malabsorption.

3. Clean up immediately

Be quick to pick up poop in your yard or during walks. Reducing access is a simple way to prevent the behavior.

4. Use deterrents

You can try deterrent products (available as sprays or additives for your dog’s food) that make poop taste unpleasant. Some home remedies like adding pumpkin or pineapple to food can make it less tasty.

5. Provide mental and physical stimulation

Boredom and stress can trigger coprophagia. Make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise, playtime, and mental challenges like puzzle toys to keep them engaged.

6. Reinforce good behavior

If your dog is eating poop to avoid punishment, switch to positive reinforcement techniques. Reward them with treats or praise when they avoid the poop and follow commands.

7. Limit access in confined spaces

If your dog spends a lot of time in a kennel or small space, they may resort to eating poop due to stress or boredom. Provide more freedom or mental stimulation during these times.

8. Train and supervise

Keep an eye on your dog when outside. Interrupt the behavior with a firm “leave it” command and reward them when they obey. Consistent training can make a big difference.

By taking these steps, you can reduce or even eliminate poop-eating behavior in your dog! 🐶💩👍

Try Gussy’s Gut:
Dogs who eat poop often suffer from poor gut health, which is commonly misdiagnosed as allergies or nausea. While higher quality foods or supplements may offer temporary relief, the underlying issue is frequently related to their microbiome. Studies have shown that a dog’s gut health, influenced by fermented foods, is key to their energy, coat quality, and overall well-being. Fermented foods, a vital part of dogs' ancestral diets, improve nutrient absorption and support a balanced microbiome. Gussy’s Gut, a fermented superfood formula, helps restore gut health naturally and effectively—just sprinkle it over your dog’s food. Try it risk-free with a trial pack! https://gussysgut.pxf.io/k0dZz3


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