Parasites and The Full Moon

Parasites Are More Active During A Full Moon

It's been said that parasites are more active at a full moon. Nature is pretty amazing.

Wendy Volhard teaches us:

1. Melatonin levels fall. Melatonin is the hormone that helps your dog sleep, and it also strengthens the dog's immune system. With our dog's defenses down, parasites jump at the opportunity and become more active. ⁣

2. Serotonin levels increase.⁣ Serotonin is commonly referred to as the “feel good” neurotransmitter. Parasites also have receptors for serotonin, and they use it to help them move & reproduce.

With a drop in melatonin down-regulating the immune system, and a spike in serotonin enabling parasite mobility during a full moon, it’s the perfect time to provide your dog's body with extra support to maximize detox results! Try something that focuses on body drainage while helping remove heavy metals and parasites!

While our dog's body will never be completely parasite free the process of a parasite cleanse rids the body of some of these parasites and helps to give your dog's natural biological resources and immune system a healthy boost!

It's possible that your dog (and you) have parasites that will not be detected by the typical testing procedures. Parasites can live in many parts of the body -- not just intestinal, and not just in the heart of our dogs.

Though controversial, live blood analysis often reveals parasite movement in the bloodstream. And they can be a significant factor in overall health, behavior and emotions.

My dogs (and I) do a quarterly parasite cleanse using essential oils & natural remedies. Visit my online courseware for the protocol (

Dr. Hulda clark, PHD, ND writes in "The Cure for All Diseases" that parasites and pollutants are the leading cause of all diseases.

Ken Blackmore, DN, NC write that in 15 years of practice with a doctorate in nutrition, he has never had a client test negative (free of) parasites. We all have them.

There are many ways to protect both you and your dog naturally but it does require some regular maintenance. If your dog is already unwell, it may take a much longer protocol to eliminate & resume wellness.

Proactive maintenance is always best! And you can do it naturally. Healthy Foods, essential oils, Supplements.

Journal your dog's (or your own) emotions, "activities", and behaviors around the full moon to see if you can find any clues yourself.

When you're ready to go natural -- let's talk.


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