Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse For Dogs

Skin Soothing Detox Dog Bath For Dogs

You may wish to give your dog a bath that is more about removing environmental factors than just a good shampoo and smelling good.

A good Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse or Soak can be effective at opening your dog’s pores and allowing for a gentle release of environmental toxins.

This can be effective in summer months after a walk where your neighbor has sprayed yard chemicals, an irritant on the skin, etc.

You will want to shampoo your dog with a gentle shampoo first, I recommend Animals Scents from Young Living or even the Seedlings Baby Shampoo.

After you have rinsed the shampoo from the dog’s skin, you’ll want to rinse with your Apple Cider Vinegar Mixture. Be sure to avoid getting the ACV rinse in your dogs eyes, nose, or down into the ear canal.

After the Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse do not rinse again. Towel dry your dog and then allow the ACV mixture to dry naturally.


Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse For Dogs With Allegies

1/4 organic Apple Cider Vinegar w/ the mother per gallon of distilled or filtered water.

You can keep a spray bottle of this mixture handy by the door and use it to spray & wipe down your dog’s feet after outings.

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