Precision Measuring -- Stop Stressing

Ok, so the bag says something like 1/2 cup + 2 Tbls for your dog’s weight. Measure it out for a day or two and get a feel for what it looks like in your measuring cup. It may be a heaping, rounded measure and learn to eyeball it. Trust your instincts and what you observe in your individual dog.

Let me give you an example:

Let's say you need 1/2 cup mix + 2 tbls "per meal" -- that's approximately 1 and 1/4 cups of mix per day. So what if you fed 3/4 cup for breakfast and 1/2 cup for dinner. Easy peasy. Done.

It doesn't have to be precision measuring.

The bag is a guideline -- your dog's metabolism may require more or less by varying degrees. Poppy is 49 pounds. She actually eats a bit less than 1/2 cup per meal even though she is pretty active. If we have an extremely active day, I might feed her more that day.

To simplify how I feed my 3 dogs, I calculated total amount per meal -- rounding that off for easy math -- 1/8 + 1/8 + 1/2 - 3/4 cups. I mix the whole thing in 1 bowl + meat + water -- stir and then divide out portion for Huey and Howie and Poppy gets the rest. It is probably never exactly the same each meal. But no one is over/under weight. It works out in the end.

Adjust as needed.


Refrigerate it?


Forgot to Defrost Meat For Dinner