Is It Safe for Dogs To Ingest Essential Oils

Yes, Essential Oils can be safe for ingestion, even by your dog, in a temporary, controlled, purposeful way. They can offer many benefits that aid in digestion support, detoxification within digestive organs, and fighting inflammation. I actually use essential oils with my own dogs often as do many others I know. But stick with what you’re comfortable with.

Before you do…. it's crucial to ensure you have the proper knowledge for the correct and safe usage of essential oils. It is also important that we understand your dog’s age, condition, size, etc. It’s all relevant. And anyone giving you direction on the internet without knowing your dog is taking a risk.

Let's delve into this with some insightful guidance.

In the realm of essential oil research, distinguished experts advocate for internal usage of essential oils. Dr. Kurt Schnaubelt, known for his work "Medical Aromatherapy: Healing with Essential Oils," and Robert Tisserand, the author of "Essential Oil Safety," are just a couple of notable names in this domain. Their extensive expertise positions them at the forefront of essential oil knowledge.

In fact, "French Aromatherapy" often emphasizes the internal use of essential oils, backed by years of tradition and practice. Notably, there exists a certification in French aromatherapy dedicated to educating individuals on proper dosing, ingestion methods, and remedy preparation.

Presently, reputable essential oil brands go to great lengths to gain FDA approval for a comprehensive line of products specifically labeled for internal consumption. It's important to note that the contents of bottles labeled for ingestion versus those labeled for topical or aromatic use are identical; the distinction lies in the labeling for FDA compliance. It's advisable to research and verify the ingestible counterparts of labeled oils.

The term "GRAS" or "Generally Recognized as Safe" appears frequently in aromatherapy documentation, affirming the safety of essential oils. With a list of many oils falling under this category, it reinforces the affirmative stance on the internal use of essential oils with proper precautions.

Indeed, essential oils can be taken internally, provided you adhere to safety guidelines diligently:

  1. Get A Reference Book: Equip yourself with a reliable reference guide on essential oils.

  2. Join an active animal-oriented educational group like mine: On Facebook and I also have a private members-only forum for even more educational content.

  3. Use Specific Oils for Their Intended Purpose: Ensure you use oils appropriate for the intended purpose, considering their safety for ingestion.

  4. Start Low and Slow: Begin with a low dosage and gradually increase to gauge your tolerance and effects.

  5. Dilute Your Oils: Always dilute essential oils appropriately to mitigate any potential adverse reactions.

  6. Choose Healthy Fats as Carriers for Your Dog's Food: If incorporating oils into your dog's food, opt for healthy fats as carriers.

  7. Coat Gel Caps with Carrier Oil: When using gel caps, coat them with a carrier oil like Coconut Oil or Butter for easier ingestion.

  8. Exercise Caution with "Hot" Oils: Especially for oils with higher potency, consider using gel caps with a carrier oil.

  9. Consult a Professional: Seek guidance and advice from a qualified professional, practitioner, or experienced educator to initiate safe usage.

In summary, trust your instincts and be attentive to your dog's needs and responses. I, personally, ingest essential oils daily, and my experience has demonstrated the significant positive impact they can have on wellness and health. Essential oils are naturally present in various everyday items, further emphasizing their safety for internal use.

If any doubts persist regarding the quality of essential oils, it's essential to inquire and ensure the quality of the product. Quality matters significantly; you can explore the vital questions to ask your oil company for further clarification. Once you experience the transformative difference in using high-quality essential oils, you'll truly appreciate their immense value.

Should you require assistance or have inquiries, don't hesitate to reach out—I'm here to guide you every step of the way.

What If the Dog LIcks Essential Oil Off My Hands

They will!

Storing essential oils securely is crucial to avoid any potential mishaps. While caution is necessary, a gentle reminder is essential: allowing dogs to lick diluted essential oils off your hands in minimal quantities can be safe. Dogs possess an innate ability to sense what they need, often gravitating towards scents that provide comfort or relief. This instinctive behavior can offer subtle insights into their preferences, aiding in their overall well-being. However, always exercise moderation and seek professional guidance to ensure their safety and well-being.

Keeping Essential Oils Stored Out Of Reach

Don’t be surprised if they sniff out your oils or even try to run away with a bottle.

It's imperative to prioritize the safety of your beloved canine companions. Keep essential oils, diffusers, and any related products out of their reach to prevent accidental ingestion or exposure. Should a diffuser spill occur, ensure your dog doesn't ingest the water, as it may contain concentrated essential oils.


Is Diffusing Essential Oil Safe for Pets


Bioavailability of Essential Oils