Bioavailability of Essential Oils





the proportion of a drug or other substance that enters the circulation when introduced into the body and so is able to have an active effect.

Bioavailability simply means a proportion of a nutrient that is digested/absorbed and metabolized in the body.

Supplements are better absorbed with Essential Oils

Essential oils infused into a supplement have been proven to make the nutrients and vitamins more bioavailable in the body. This means the body can absorb them better and use them as nutrients.

Are you wondering how it works? Essential oils help increase the assimilation (absorption) of other nutrients on a cellular level and they help remove waste from the cells, which helps detoxify them, in turn causing the cells to function at a higher level!

I'll point you to some great resources that will help you understand more about each supplement and how it may benefit you -- or your dog!

Start making the switch with your supplements.

Replacement buying is an easy way to begin your transitions.


Is It Safe for Dogs To Ingest Essential Oils


Carrier Oils For Essential Oils