He Won't Eat The New Food

Oh my mercy! Dog mamas can get very stressed when Fido doesn’t eat his dinner heartily during a transition to a new food. https://welloiledk9.com/volhard/transition-instr

Please do not stress out!

Transitions can take some time. Remember for Fido, we just took away his junk food and there may be some resistance to that. I do not worry much if they don’t eat the first day or two, if they don’t clean their bowl right away, etc.

I’m sure you’re familiar with the kibble transition over 10 days.

But there are a few tricks of the treat to help Fido adjust to new foods for those that are holding out for junk food or just resistant to change.

  • Gently cook the meat for a while. Going to raw is a big change! If you precook several days worth of meat in advance, be sure to warm-up each meal’s portion

  • What’s the temp of the meal? I add mix + meat to the bowl,
    pour hot water over both, stir and serve. Warm meat is more enticing, releasing scent and more appetizing.

  • Use Bone Broth instead of water for a few days,

  • Feed Meat heavy for a few days — meaning if your suggested feeding is 1/2 cup of mix and 1/2 cup of meat — try 1/4 of mix and 1/2 cup of meat, add your water and see if a meat forward
    meal works. Gradually increase to the desired amount of mix for proper nutrition

  • What’s the consistency — instructions on the bag make for a very soupy bowl. For a dog that is used to something very dry, that may seem off-putting. Experiment with consistency. My bowls look like thick oatmeal. You’re in control! The bag is just a guideline

  • Add some seasoning! a little freshly grated garlic or ginger,, a little talian seasoning. etc.

  • Add some cottage cheese, or kefit

  • Top the meal with sardines

  • Add some vegetable medley

  • Add a raw egg

  • Be creative

If you put down a bowl and fido doesn’t eat it within 15-20 save it for dinner and try again. Try to avoid waste as much as possible. Unless your dog is unhealthy or underweight, skipping a meal isn’t a big deal.

Ideally, this transition zhuzh up is temporary! Just until Fido figures out how much he likes real meat!

If you need help be sure to ask!


transition, finicky, won’t eat, doesn’t like, resists new food


Forgot to Defrost Meat For Dinner


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