Shopping For Essential Oils

I am asked frequently my opinion on a specific brand of essential oil that someone has purchased. I've been asked about 3 brands just this week.

These days there are likely hundreds if not thousands of oil brands. I've researched many -- my professional peers have researched many others and I follow several educational pages to try to stay aware of new information.

When we say 'quality", it's still easy to believe that Walmart, Target, BB&B, your commisary, etc wouldn't sell something that isn't quality -- but sadly, they do. At least these fall short of the level of quality I'd trust with my dogs -- or yours.

Consider This As You Shop for Essential Oils

  • Choose the best essential oil quality you can. It would be better to have 1 bottle of Lavender than to have 10 bottles of different oils that have synthetics, adulterants, or are grown in environments with pesticides/herbicides, etc, or distilled/bottled ineffectively.

  • Find an educator you trust, learn from them, support them and their products, and they will in turn support you.

Reasons to Leave That Brand Behind

  • Can you find actually pet professionals (not just a salesperson) actively using for their own pets, educating & recommending the brand? No??

  • Read the Label. Many bottles will say for aromatic use only -- even on a bottle of lavender! What did they put in the oil that makes it not safe for topical application?

  • The label does NOT list the actual full botanical name of the essential oil

  • If all the oils within a brand are the same price

  • If you can buy a full ounce of Frankincense, Rose, or Melissa for $16

  • The company does not do 3rd party testing

  • Buying well-known brands on Amazon -- The Top Companies are not selling on Amazon -- they are typically offering direct sales from their own websites. There are many scammers making products seem like it's the big brand.

  • Buying your oils from the Big Box Stores -- sadly, just no.

These are just a few warnings! I hope you'll heed them. If you're curious about something -- please ask -- we all learn together.

I will 100% confess, that there was a time I didn't know better. I bought the "big bottles" that were cheaper per ounce. I tried the retailer’s brands. They didn't work hence my complete skepticism when someone tried to introduce me to my current brand-- and now that I have been synthetic-free for so long these actually give me a raging headache when I encounter them now -- even just walking into a client's home. imagine the poor dog or cat.

I keep researching, testing, and studying. In part to educate you -- but the truth is, if I find a better brand for my pets, I would make a change as I 100% want what's best for us at all times. So far I never have.

Call me for help getting started.


Questions to Ask Your Essential Oil Company


Your Wellness Why