Self-Selection - Let Your Dog Choose

Choosing the Oil Your Dog NEEDS or Wants

This is a fun topic. But it will take us some time for you to really experiment with this and you'll need more than 1 or 2 oils for your dog to choose from. So this gets more fascinating as your collection grows or when you come for a coaching session with me.

As you start to understand how to choose oils that are appropriate for the issue you're trying to address, you will pull several options from your collection. You'll then open the bottles, and create an offering of a drop of oil on your hand, or maybe the cap (safely so he can't grab the cap and run) and let him respond to the one he likes (or needs -- and yes they know!)

I have had multiple dogs with Separation Anxiety issues choose Cedarwood oil. To the point of beginning to lick it off my hands.

A few years ago, at an animal wellness conference, my roommate's dog was very ill. There were several aromatherapy pros who came to support him. His mom had him on a regimen of supplements, Raindrop, etc. One night, I was working with him and the oil he chose was Cypress. He licked it off my hands, over and over. She told me to give him as much as he wanted.

I looked up the benefits of Cypress -- and cried my eyes out.

Cypress is from the greek word "sempervivens" -- which means Live Forever.


Eliminate Toxins From Your Dog's Environment


Introducing Dogs To Essential Oils