Energetically Dead Dog Food

Energetically Dead Dog Food Foods

"Energetically dead food" is a term often used in alternative or holistic health circles to describe food that is considered to have low or depleted life force energy. The concept behind energetically dead food is based on the belief that food contains not only macronutrients (such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) and micronutrients (such as vitamins and minerals), but also a vital energy or life force.

According to proponents of this idea, fresh, whole, minimally processed foods, particularly those that are organic and locally grown, are believed to possess higher life force energy. In contrast, processed and highly refined foods, including those that are genetically modified or treated with pesticides, are considered to have lower life force energy or be energetically dead.

scrabble tiles spell frequencies

The term "energetically dead" suggests that these foods lack vitality and the vibrant energy that is believed to nourish and support the body and mind. It is thought that when we consume energetically dead food, our own life force energy becomes depleted or imbalanced, potentially leading to various health issues.

It's important to note that the concept of energetically dead food is not supported by scientific evidence and is considered a pseudoscientific belief. While it is true that processing and refining food can strip away some nutrients and alter its overall composition, the idea of life force energy ascribed to food is not recognized within the scientific community.

In summary, energetically dead food refers to the notion that certain processed or refined foods are believed to lack vital life force energy. However, this concept is not scientifically supported and should be approached with critical thinking and an understanding of evidence-based nutrition.

Frequencies and Health

The human body is said to have a frequency of 62-78 MHz. Essential oils have frequencies from 52-580MHz.

Disease starts in the body when the frequency drops to around 58. Colds and Flus drop frequency to 57-60. Cancer frequency is 42 -- and death begins around 25.

The Frequency of Food

  • Fresh Foods 20-27

  • Dried (Dehydrated) Food & Herbs 15-22

  • Canned Food 0

  • Processed Food 0

Incorporate more energetically healthy foods -- fresh and vibrant and bright with color!

How To Increase Frequency

Changing these categories will have a positive affect on you both.

So the discussion here is if your dog is stuck in emotional trauma, dealing with difficult emotions (anger, rage, anxiety, fear worry, defeat, abandonment...), if they re imprinted with negative patterns of behavior, or if you're holding on the the "story" of their rescue, health, or behavior....

Make some changes. Changing these categories will have a positive effect on you both.


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