How To Transition To Volhard Dog Nutrition

Congratulations! You have decided to give your dog the best dog food available — Volhard Dog Nutirtion. Now you need to sort our your transition strategy to the new food.

You have a couple of common transition strategies. But remember if your pet is unhealthy as you begin to change your dog’s food, we can customize the protocol and offer some digestive support or detox support to your dog as the body begins to heal. It’s Ok to go slow!

  1. Some of you will have been instructed to do a Cleansing Diet for a 3 week period prior to beginning the Volhard foods. Once you have completed the cleanse diet, you can easily just begin feeding Volhard as the complete meal for your pet.

  2. If you are coming off of a kibble-based diet, most of you will want to take a slow 10-day transition.

    1. Days 1-3 feed 1/4 of new food and 3/4 of old food

    2. Days 4-6 feed 1/2 of new food and 1/2 of old food

    3. Days 6-9 feed 3/4 of new food and 1/4 of old food

    4. Day 10 make a full transition to only Volhard food

  3. Depending on the dog’s current health (i.e generally good health with no major issues), we sometimes do a Fast Start transition.

    1. Skip one full meal — fasting.

    2. 2 meals of Whole Fat Yogurt with a little Fresh Raw Honey

      1. the amount depends on the size of your dog

      2. consider about 3/4 cup yogurt and 1 tbsl of honey for a 50# dog

    3. The 4th meal is fully transitioned to the new food

The issue we’re trying to address here is tummy upset as the food is transitioned to something is far more nutrient rich than previously provided.

If you have a dog with a health concern — be sure to check in with me before you begin. We may choose to begin with a detox diet or other protocol to support the transition slowly.

But what if he doesn’t like it….. Jump in our customer forum and let’s chat about it.


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