Animal Biome Products

Hey there, devoted pet parents and enthusiasts! As a passionate pet health coach committed to nurturing our furry friends' well-being, I'm thrilled to share a game-changing resource that's transforming pet care: Animal Biome's revolutionary line of products.

Unveiling the Science Behind Animal Biome

Animal Biome isn't just another pet product company—it's a team dedicated to pet health and backed by science. Their DoggyBiome™ and KittyBiome™ products include the first-ever at-home gut microbiome test for cats and dogs. What sets them apart? It's their unwavering commitment to your pet's health and happiness, grounded in scientific research.

Deciphering Your Pet's Gut Microbiome

You already know that your pet's gut houses a diverse community of bacteria, viruses, and fungi—the gut microbiome. But did you know that maintaining this intricate ecosystem is crucial for your pet's overall well-being?

A balanced gut microbiome ensures optimal digestion, nutrient absorption, and supports a robust immune system. Imbalances, however, can lead to inflammation, triggering a range of chronic illnesses that affect your pet's health and vitality.

The Animal Biome Approach: Test | Restore | Maintain

As a pet health coach, I've seen the impact of Animal Biome's approach firsthand:


The simplicity of collecting a stool sample allows us to peer into your pet's health. Animal Biome's advanced genetic sequencing deciphers the bacteria in their gut. The resulting comprehensive report, complete with tailored dietary and lifestyle recommendations, empowers pet owners like you.


For pets experiencing discomfort such as diarrhea, vomiting, or itchy skin, an imbalance in the gut microbiome could be the root cause. Animal Biome's suite of supplements is designed to restore balance by introducing missing crucial bacteria and eliminating harmful ones.


Once balance is achieved, sustaining a healthy microbiome is key. Through regular gut health assessments, dietary adjustments, and strategic supplementation, we aim to ensure your pet enjoys a long, vibrant life.

Real Success Stories Driven by Research

Animal Biome's products are not mere conjectures—they're backed by extensive research and real-life success stories. These products, rooted in science, have brought about incredible transformations in pets like Mr. Darcy, who experienced a complete turnaround after using the Gut Restore Supplements.

  • DoggyBiome™ and KittyBiome™ Gut Health Test Kits: These kits enable at-home collection of stool samples, providing insights into the pet's gut microbiome through genetic sequencing.

  • Gut Restore Supplements: These supplements utilize fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) in an oral capsule form, introducing a healthy community of specific bacteria to restore gut balance.

  • Prebiotics, Probiotics, and Postbiotics: Animal Biome offers a range of supplements designed to support gut health, immune function, and overall wellness through prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics.

  • Gut Microbiome Maintenance Supplements: Designed to sustain a thriving gut environment post-restoration, these supplements help maintain a balanced microbiome for long-term health.

  • DoggyBiome™ and KittyBiome™ S. boulardii + FOS Powder: This product combines fructooligosaccharides (FOS), a prebiotic, with S. boulardii, a special probiotic yeast, aiding in gut health and immune function.

  • DoggyBiome™ ImmuneShield Chews: Specially formulated for dogs, these chews feature EpiCor® Fermentate, a postbiotic that supports immune function, reduces inflammation, and promotes gut health.

  • GMP (Gut Microbiome Purifier): Contains bacteriophages targeting specific bacteria, Saccharomyces boulardii to resolve diarrhea caused by antibiotics, and mannan oligosaccharides (MOS) for improved intestinal health.

Your Pet's Ongoing Journey to Health

Even after symptoms diminish, I advocate for ongoing support. From personalized dietary plans to specialized supplements, Animal Biome's approach aims to sustain your pet's thriving gut environment for the long haul.

Conclusion: A Journey to Wellness and Vitality

I proudly recommend Animal Biome's products. Their scientifically-backed solutions not only bring hope but tangible results, aligning perfectly with our shared goal of nurturing our furry friends' wellness.

Let's embark on this journey together—Test, Restore, Maintain—with Animal Biome's transformative solutions. Together, let's pave the way for a healthier, happier life for our beloved companions!

You can also find Animal Biome Products on my Linktree at Amazon.


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